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Advertising on social media – what are the benefits?

advertising on social media

Advertising your business on social media should be an essential part of your marketing strategies. Companies are aware that they should be on social media but not all understands the importance of leveraging it.

Why should you advertise your brand on social media?

Consider your space on social media as a roadmap to your business. Think of it as a navigation tool to drive people straight to your business.

These days people spend a considerable amount of their time glued to the phones to consume information. See this article on how much time people spend browsing social media. When in need of answers, majority of us reach for social media to find it. And not having an online presence will lead your customers to the next business who has a presence online for answers.

Advertising on social media

What are the benefits of promoting your business online?

  • Create awareness of your brand. Utilize it to make your business more recognizable. Show who you are, what you stand for, what your message is and why your customers should choose you over your competitors. 
  • Build relationships with your customers. Social media opens the lines of communication even more with your customers. It is so much easier to engage with customers without having them present. You can conversate with them directly and get to know them better. It also allows you to nurture the relationship and keep them interested in your brand.
  • Use it to show your business human side. Social media is meant to be social. Emphasise your brand values to connect more on an emotional level with your customers.

People do not buy goods and services. They buy relationships, stories and magic.

  • Social listening. Find out what everyone is saying about your brand or your industry. Monitor the conversations that are held about your business and the industry that it is in.
  • Drive more sales to help you reach your financial goals. Remember, social media is meant to be social. Consumers are not waiting to be bombarded with sales talks and ads on social media. But, once you have built up a trusting relationship online with your customers, they are more likely to purchase from you. 
Advertising on social media has such so many benefits. Leverage to grow your brand in today’s modern world and stay ahead of the game.

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